新生會在周末時抵達學校,第一天早上九點到十二點先完成程度的分級考試,下午會有新生座談,於下午三點半會將學生帶至Ayala mall辦手機的sim card跟換錢並購買些日常用品。







Today is the first day for the new students life in CIJ. You will get an exam in the morning so that teachers will know your English level and give the fitness course for you.

After the orientation, we will bring you to the famous mall near our classic school to buy the sim card and exchange for money. Therefore if one day you have any questions outside , you can

call anyone you want.After that we will go to supermarket to buy anything you want. 

Now I want to introduce the two students for you.

One is the woman who just retired from elementary school as a teacher.  She told me that when she travel to other contries , she found that there is so many childrend live without suffifient food and stuff. She hope there is one day she can help them. That's why even thought she already over 50 years old,she also want to improve her English speaking. She want to talk and be with those who need help in other countries.

The other one is a student just graduated from university. In his third grade, he realized that he want to be a pilot. After that he started to study English by himself. The first time he got the TOEIC

exam he got 320 scores .But the last time is 820!!! Now he want to improve his speaking and writing skill . That's why he choose to learn in other country and enjoy the English enviroment in CIJ.

Thanks for you two guys. And thanks for all of you reader. Hope every one can find something you really want to do . Most important is DO NOT GIVE UP!!



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